Thursday, February 7, 2008

A different role

We go through different phases of our life. I guess I am into an unfamilair phase as well. What do I do all day ? A worth less question. I just Kill time. I mean the day still seems very short and night even shorter. For about a week i havent been doing anything. Its not beacasue its snowing or something. For that matter it doesn't snow here. Nor is it raining cats and dogs neither is it burning the sand outside. Just that lack of motivation.
My day could start anytime starting from 9:00 am to may be even 2:00 PM. Well I got nothing to do so I wake up when my body starts paining. Fair deal I guess.Sleeping should relax your body. Then I make sure I drink something just to make me realise that I have woke up. Before I get up My roomie is off to work.Cooking for yourself doesn't always motivate you and that too when you have many fast food options. By the time you have shower and make your lunch its almost 5:00 PM.With T.V and Laptop time Hours pass pretty quickly. Once you get a feel of being awake its almost 7:00. Then I along with my roomie go out for some grocery shopping.Seems like House wife who sits all day doing literally nothing until evening when she sees a little bit of the world and may be the life moving at a faster pace. Anyway when I get back its dinner and a movie to finish of the fanatastic day. The day seems pretty short.Where do I fit in anything else?????????
Today was exactly the same except I tried a little bit of cooking. Had the Atta for chapati. So tried making chapati for the first time. A change from the ready to eat paratha aand tortilla. Was not easy. I never thought it would be that difficult not exaclty difficult but rather a pain, Its really is tough to get the chapatti ROUND. Does shape really matter. Surely not when I am cooking.So finally made some very thing rotlas and a few fat ROTIS. Both were awesome with alittle bit of compromise in shape. Learnt making amoebic shaped chapatti ...Hurray was real good with some finely chopped poatato fried sabji. Feels like an achievement for the day.Well it really is.....


Cinderella said...

Ha ha...happens to me all the time. Specially when i have deadlines hanging over my head....
And about the cooking for self thing..guess I'm gonna experience that too, within a month's time..
Maybe then i'll let you know..
Good going !

IncorrigibleV said...

good goin for the first attempt at chappatis...:)
ur days seem to resemble mine a lot...only that i cant stand em and irks me to death.

A said...


Satanic Angel said...

atleast you attempted cooking!cheerios.

badshah khan said...

thanks all time its gonna be a circle with 4 inches radius.....

Keshi said...

cooking is not killing time, surely Badshah? :)


badshah khan said...

@ Keshi: Yeah surely if you are cooking a feast or cooking for someone else but for your ownself it can be learning trial .

Solitaire said...

Maybe this will help you appreciate the "housewife who sits at home doing literally nothing"..

Anonymous said...

Good learning mate.....Try out blogging , it really helps n keeps u glued :)))

Anonymous said...

update your blog pls

Keshi said...

** Does shape really matter.

LOL yes!


badshah khan said...

@ keshi: may be in the case of GODZILLA ..bada hai toh behthar hai ,,, but in case chapati it can be a compromoise.

Mez said...

I have heard that guys can be better cook than gals. U have lotta scope..Keep practisin with the

badshah khan said...

@ Mez: Don't know abt wot men are good at . But Necessity is the mother of all inventions and so is it in the case of cooking